

Date written:

February 28, 2014


Amy Johnston


Amy Johnston


Dear self. I have found this website on stumleupon and thought it would be fun :) i don't know what will be going on with you right now but here on the 28th of February 2014, i was meant to start my dreaded homework about an hour and a half ago but oh well, my laptop consumes my time. I'm going to see Ellie Goulding live in the o2 with Anna tomorrow which fills me with excitement! Things are quite tight money-wise right now, I wonder will much have changed when you're reading this, will things be better, who knows? School drains me so much and it's only fifth year, dear god i dread to think how you're dealing with sixth year work in your time! Thinking of the future scares me a lot, does that still happen to you? The thoughts of college and careers creep into my thoughts and leave me full of worry. Maybe this will alleviate and I will be slightly more confident in my life choices, hopefully. I hate feeling unprepared. I'm beginning to ramble so I will try to keep this short with some last minute advice ( how cringey ). Keep Megan close, she may seem like she's got things organised, you need to talk to her and let her pour her feelings out, she will be reluctant at first but let her know you're there. Secondly, believe in yourself full stop. Thirdly, never forget to show mam and dad how much you appreciate them, help them round the house, look after them the way they have looked after you and meg. And lastly, enjoy everyday, find something good and cling onto it, okay? :) Have fun little future friend Past you lol xo


Date to be sent:

February 28, 2015

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