

Date written:

February 5, 2012


Bridget Byrne


Bridget Byrne


Bridget, When you read this is will be 2013, and not only will you be 18, you would have gone on the cruise with your family, and you would have graduated beauty school, depending on your relationship and financial status, you will now be looking for a place to move out, and you and your family will be in the 5th house because you know as of late mum doesnt want to stay where you are now. Happy 18th Birthday! I hope that clubbing and everything you imagined it to be turned out exactly as it was meant to for you. I hope you quit your job, and are working as a beauty therapist at ella bache, because thats the place you really want to work at, in all honesty. I hope you let go of him, and you find yourself loving another, loving everyone. Your message for 2012 is simple : those who dont believe in magic will never find it. Keep yourself on track, with Gym, and the fitness you want, and also be happy, dont let anyone hold you back. 2013 is your year! its the year you start uni, its all about you! and i know you have been waiting for this chance your entire life so make the most of it! GET YOUR P'S! you waited long enough to get your learners, so get them when you can! January baby!!!! Goal for 2013, Get happy, get organised, and be successful, dont wait for anyone else! just do what you have to do for you and i promise you it will always work out the way you want in the end. Believe in the good things bridge, because it all comes around Love you always Bridge 2012 version <3


Date to be sent:

February 5, 2013

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