

Date written:

November 15, 2011


Georgia Dixon


Georgia Dixon


Dear future Georgia, How the fuck are you? Have you learnt a foreign language yet? Have you made plans to move to London? Did you buy that papillionaire bicycle? What about a car?? Did you cut your hair? If you didn't, you really need to. Did you finally get roller skates and practice hard so you could join a roller derby team? DID YA? Did you finish that bottle of Absinthe with Starkles? Did you figure out how to keep hyperlinks in a word document when saving it as a PDF? Did you ask an apple weirdo why your MacBook is heating up all the time? Do you still have your MacBook? Are you writing daily? If not, why the fuck not? Have you changed your glasses frames yet? Do it, you'll be over D


Date to be sent:

November 15, 2012

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