

Date written:

November 16, 2011


Nikita Logachev


Nikita Logachev


2011 has been productive and insightful. More importantly, however, you really opened up and took charge this year. Lots of ambitions, lots of ideas. Were they misplaced? Looking in the wrong direction? Have you made an impact on the world yet? Have you glimpsed your purpose yet? For the past few years you've said that the year you were living in is the year where things are really going to change and doors will open. Has this happened or is this year where (for sure this time) things are really going to change and doors will open? You set yourself a goal to earn at least $1,000,000 by this time next year. Have you achieved that? How does it feel? Has it made you a better person? What have you learned? One of the most important insights for 2011 was the concept of an avatar, a third force, a balancer, a creator and destroyer all in one. The cobbled path that has been laid in 2011 started leading you toward that concept. Lots of doomsday predictions for 2012. Anything drastic happened yet? Was it all hype? PTB made a move yet? ;) Tried breatharianism? Become vegan? At the time that I'm writing this letter you are interested in both. Consider your state of mind and physical health... Any change? For better or worse? Be mindful!


Date to be sent:

November 16, 2012

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