Date written:
February 28, 2014
Samantha Ostapchuk
Samantha Ostapchuk
Dear Samantha, This week has been so wonderful; you just just got an ally position with SAS, an 86 on a presentation you did while having a fever, got a 90 on your article summery, and sure why not you actually have a date tonight cause a friend just asked you out yesterday. I know the past few weeks have been a little rocky but you've gotten through it, mainly with the help of your CMST prof, Maha, and Tea. Make sure to always keep them in mind and read your warm fuzzes if you're ever down, I know that helped me out not long ago. People love seeing you smile and talk about the things that make you happy, so many people have told you how joyful you are and open to talk to and non judgemental; keep that. Sure I might not even believe it at the moment, but I'm sure trying. So hopefully by now you have and things are still going splendidly. You know you've got those exams in the bag in a month or so! Much love, Sam Xxxoo
Date to be sent:
February 28, 2015