

Date written:

November 13, 2011


Wadzi Chikwira


Wadzi Chikwira


Hello future me Despie the fact that this creeps you out a fair bit. There is one thing I want you to know, Miss. One thing you need to grab onto and need to take to your core. Live life, stop gripping about the person you envy , the person you think has it worked out the person who did a double degree too, who walks in the same cricles you do who almost feels like the person you could be if you pushed just that bit, if you were perfect. Stop looking at her and live. Be the person whose fully human , brings great glory to God and forget the things that weigh you down. Really thats all you need to take from this year. Because there were so many times you gave up, you couldn't do it, you walked home at 3 am from the computer labs, you didnt care, you didnt have any more money , you went to the foodbank so many times you thought a plane ride home was the answer and somehow or by grace youre here. Youre done, the year from hell is over so rejoice cause your joy has come , your joy has come in the morning!


Date to be sent:

November 13, 2012

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