
Public letters

Most people are secret squirrels and keep their letters private, but below are the letters shared with the world:

November 12, 2012


Lee Crockford


Lee Crockford

Date to be sent:

November 12, 2013

Guten Morgen Future Leesome! Ok - well here goes! After 12 months of running this site, it's about time that you took a dose of your own medicine and actually wrote to yourself! It's an early Monday morning here in Hamburg - you've just sat down at your favourite haunt "Lieblingsplatz" in HafenCity. The coffee is yet to kick in, so please ignore any spelling or grammatical errors... There is now three weeks left here in Germany before before you fly out to Iceland for some northern light shenanigans with Shayne. To keep this short, here are some major events of points of note at the moment: - Nan died just a few weeks ago. Being so far away from home you often don't remember to think about her, which just makes you feel even worse. Make sure you miss her every day - she was a special little lady. And make sure you never, ever lose grandad's ring! - You're currently having a bit of a crisis over what to do work wise when you get back to Australia. You desperately don't want to go back to QUT. Ideally you'll be working full time for STFU and actually be getting some credit for the work - It was only a few weeks ago that you finally "let your hair down" and started "exploring". It has been awesome / horrible / eye opening and new. Why did it take you this long? And more importantly, what are going to do about it now? Hmm...? - Tam's about to start IVF in a few days - Shayne just broke up with Kev. Nothing too surprising, but she's just started dating some Irish guy - we've been calling him potato. She thinks she's in love... Oh dear... - Obviously you're in Germany! Don't forget how awesome it's been. Even if living with 16 people 24 hours a day has worn you down at times, please remember how much of an amazing experience it has been. Also Ritter Sport. - Adam and Cara are having "squidge" in less than two months. How terrifying! But hopefully you'll get to be a ninja-dad! Future Lee, here are some things that past Lee wanted by November 2013: - Be awesome at German! - Be almost ready to leave for Germany - or somewhere else in the world - Have your own one bedroom apartment in the city / valley (this may not happen if you're saving for Germany...) - Have cut down the number of jobs... - Oh, you should have also completed your dream plan by now! It better have been freaking awesome! - Please be in a relationship. You're getting too damn old to still be single. Yes, you like being single and not needing to be needed - but suck it up tacker. You've got to grow up one day! - Hopefully be looking good - please have somehow found a way to enjoy the gym and to go regularly. Maybe Rick has helped you with this? - God these are such banal requests... But perhaps that's what you need - some stability. - Oh, and hopefully you've made more of an effort at Guthrie Street to do stuff! Stop working quite so much (or don't, whatever) but at least be social. Go to the night markets, go for a beer, have people over more often! Be less lame, you antisocial workaholic.... Hmmm.. there's probably lots you should be saying to yourself at this point, but it's quarter to 9 and you have to get to the academy... I hope the last 12 months has been awesome - full of ups and downs and twists and turns. If you had written to yourself 12 months ago you wouldn't have thought that you'd be in Germany, so enjoy the ride! Be cool, man :) Past Leesome

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February 5, 2012


Bridget Byrne


Bridget Byrne

Date to be sent:

February 5, 2013

Bridget, When you read this is will be 2013, and not only will you be 18, you would have gone on the cruise with your family, and you would have graduated beauty school, depending on your relationship and financial status, you will now be looking for a place to move out, and you and your family will be in the 5th house because you know as of late mum doesnt want to stay where you are now. Happy 18th Birthday! I hope that clubbing and everything you imagined it to be turned out exactly as it was meant to for you. I hope you quit your job, and are working as a beauty therapist at ella bache, because thats the place you really want to work at, in all honesty. I hope you let go of him, and you find yourself loving another, loving everyone. Your message for 2012 is simple : those who dont believe in magic will never find it. Keep yourself on track, with Gym, and the fitness you want, and also be happy, dont let anyone hold you back. 2013 is your year! its the year you start uni, its all about you! and i know you have been waiting for this chance your entire life so make the most of it! GET YOUR P'S! you waited long enough to get your learners, so get them when you can! January baby!!!! Goal for 2013, Get happy, get organised, and be successful, dont wait for anyone else! just do what you have to do for you and i promise you it will always work out the way you want in the end. Believe in the good things bridge, because it all comes around Love you always Bridge 2012 version <3

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