
Public letters

Most people are secret squirrels and keep their letters private, but below are the letters shared with the world:

November 12, 2011


Kimberley McCosker


Kimberley McCosker

Date to be sent:

November 12, 2012

Dear Future Self, You're what I'm going to be some day, and I hope you've turned out okay. Already I can tell 2012 is going to be a tough year. You've taken on a lot already - a second degree, extra work, a couple of projects on the side - it's probably too much if you ask me. I can guarantee by this time in 2012 you're going to be completely overwhelmed and disheartened, and probably very close to packing it in and forgetting how much you love what you do in favour of an easier, less stressful option. You're quite probably considering moving to Peru to live on a mountain top in a little hut and with a herd of llamas (while wearing a fabulous poncho) and completely abandoning your dreams. If you are considering this (or even if you aren’t) I want you to do something for me. Go and sit on your bed for a minute, and close your eyes. Imagine a by-line followed by the words ‘Foreign Correspondent.’ Imagine writing a story about a rebel uprising in West Africa. Imagine having a conversation with a little old man in South America. Imagine taking photos from the front line of a war in Central Asia. Imagine making a documentary about social injustice in South East Asia. Imagine the incredible things you’ll learn. Imagine the smiles of the people you meet. Imagine the feeling when you know you have taken an incredible, world shattering photo that will mean so much to someone, or help someone learn, or maybe even make a bit of a difference in someone's life. Focus on this. This is where you will end up if you stick at it. And my God, will it be worth it. It’s been a long year, but don't let the hard yards get you down. You are an incredibly smart, courageous young woman. You have the strength to get through anything. You are so passionate, and you can do - and will do - whatever you need to be the best in your field. You are incredibly talented, and you better not let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't get stuck in a rut - hang in there, the marathon of next year will definitely be worth it in the end. And while this year may have been long and rough, I can guarantee there have been some amazing experiences. You secretly love both your degrees even if you complain about them too often. You have a strong portfolio and have worked on some incredibly projects. You're a published journalist, both photographic and written. You've met some inspiring and talented storytellers, and have paid attention to the lessons they've taught you. You've kept your morality and ethics in a harsh industry. You started saying no more. You took holidays when you needed them - that road trip to Sydney was pretty incredible. You stopped worrying so much about everyone else, and started looking after yourself better. You started carving out time for yourself – it may have only been an hour here and there, but these small moments of time combined to make a big difference in your life. And, hopefully you're on your way to that photojournalism internship in Argentina you discovered last week - if not, get your shit together and go and do it, because that is an experience you will never, ever forget. And after you've spent two months in Argentina, go hike the Inca Trails and canoe down the Amazon and dance at Carnival in Rio and all the other things you've always wanted to do in South America. And you wear that fabulous poncho while you do it, and never take that camera out of your hands. (All these things are only dreams and goals for now, but I have faith, Future Self, that you have made them come alive. May the dreams of a young and excited woman grow into your reality.) Overall, next year will be a rewarding year. A year that you will look back on in triumph, proud of everything you have achieved - not just materialistically, but within yourself. A year that, rather than let it run you, you grabbed hold of and took what you wanted from it in order to get where you are now. A year that allowed you to retain your sense of self and let you fulfill your dream of being who you really are. So, Future Self, let me give you some very simple advice: Be kind to yourself. Be gentle to yourself. Look after yourself. Don’t stop believing in yourself. I am confident no matter where you are right now, you’re in the right place, at the right time, doing exactly the right thing. But if you think you're not, get off your arse right now and go and fix it. Focus on living. And always remember: don't look for the lights, look through the camera. Love, Past Self.

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